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Tiarific Canine 

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Dog on a boat


Welcome to one of Calgary's best dog training, walking, cat check ins, mobile nail trims, and pet sitting companies! Offering services to communities of North Calgary.

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Has your dog or puppy ever refused to come when called? Jumped all over you or your houseguests? Acted aggressively? You are not alone if you have encountered any of these behaviors in your dog or if you are concerned about any other behavior. We assist hundreds of dog owners every year in resolving the existing challenges (and more!).
The time to make a change is now, before your dog's behavior grows worse or before your lovely puppy develops inappropriate behaviors. As we like to say: be proactive, not reactive!

- Rescue Dog Discount -

Get $15 Off!

With Proof of Adoption

Benefits of Working With Us

Build Your Relationship

Build and continue to work on your relationship with your dog.

Get Help With Reactivity

You'll discover useful techniques for putting a stop to behaviors such as leash pulling, lunging, barking, air snapping, and more!

Your Pooch

Find out why they behave the way they do and learn techniques and management skills to help your dog become well behaved.

Enjoy Dog
Ownership Again

Leave anxious feelings and difficult events behind. Rekindle your affection for your dog and establish lifelong positive habits.

Learn Fast Tricks

Learn techniques that you can put to use immediately.

Put Your Puppy
on Track

Early on, instill healthy boundaries and routines to stop "bad" behaviors before they happen.


Work With Award Winning and Certified Experts

Voted Gold for Pet Sitters in Calgary & Silver for Pet Training in Calgary. Rest easy knowing your pet is in the hands of a professional caretaking team.

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Our Clients Say

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Anyone who picks Amanda Garrow as their dog trainer will be equipped with tools and knowledge to train their puppy or dog with ease and confidence. She has spent years working in her field and above all else, she has a passion for what she does and this comes through in her teaching. I took several course from her from potty to beginner's class and through her I was able to teach my puppy the tools I needed to achieve my goals of having a well rounded puppy that could go out anywhere in the world and behave and be safe. Amanda cares for animals and gives the new owners a sense of confidence to go forward with their new family member. I would highly recommend Amanda as a dog trainer.

Anna D

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